Today was our last tag. It read, "remember the greatest gift is family." Mark laughed at my lame attempt to help the girls understand the importance of family...the looks on their faces when we read it were just about as comical. Anyway, it was "Christmas morning" at our house. Stockings, presents, jammies and fun!

Norah was way more in to gift opening than I had ever imagined. She loved seeing the surprise inside and tearing up all the paper.
Norah was way more in to gift opening than I had ever imagined. She loved seeing the surprise inside and tearing up all the paper.
The girls bought presents for each other this year and wrapped them up. It was so fun to see what they picked out and for the most part they did a great job of choosing a gift that the other would want instead of thinking about what they wanted. Grace gave Emma a potty for her baby...She thought it was histerical as she has been asking for one for a while.
Emma gave Grace a Justin Bieber notebook...she immediately kissed him...YIKES!
Mark and I made the girls bunk beds for the dolls that matched their bunk beds. Mark made the beds and I made the mattresses and pillows. It was fun to see our hardwork being enjoyed.
Grace liked that the fabric matched her new slippers.
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