Chubs had her 9 month check up this morning and she's right where we thought. 50th percentile for weight (18.1 lb.) and height (27 in) and not hitting any of her milestones, just as we figured! What kid would work hard to hit milestones when all she has to do is flash a cute little smile and get whatever she wants? No concerns...just a cute, happy, lazy baby!

She could probably crawl if she wanted to...I've caught her like this a few times.

When someone is constantly laying underneath her or over top of her, it's hard for the poor girl to move much.

If she has to work for it, she'll wrinkle up her nose in disgust.
She could probably crawl if she wanted to...I've caught her like this a few times.
When someone is constantly laying underneath her or over top of her, it's hard for the poor girl to move much.
If she has to work for it, she'll wrinkle up her nose in disgust.
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