Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring cleaning

What is it about this time of year that makes people want to clean out and start fresh? I have never been much of a spring cleaner. I don't like clutter or knick knacks, and I am a firm believer that there should be 'a place for everything and everything in its place' so there should be no need to spring clean, right?
However, standing in my closet the other day I had to answer that dreadful question...Why are there still maternity clothes hanging in my closet? Luckily, there was no need for them to be there so those babies got packed up and returned to their proper home. Phew! Hence started "Project Spring Clean."

Why is it when you start cleaning things you end up with a way bigger mess than what you began with? After tackling my closet (and actually following the rule that if it doesn't fit or I haven't worn it in 5 years, get rid of it) I felt the need to purge. My closet was the hardest as my weight fluctuates so much that at any given time almost half of my closet doesn't fit me. If one half fits, the other half is too small and vice versa. Luckily this year, the half that fit was the smaller half, so I created a "fat" tub. I can't bid farewell to many of my clothes because I don't want to have to buy new clothes if I gain a little weight. I would much rather reward myself by cleaning out my closet and being able to see what I can actually wear and supplementing that if need be.

It has taken a few days, but thanks to this warm weather I have cleaned out the girls' closets as well. I love packing up all the sweaters and snow gear and pulling out the summer dresses and flip flops. Now I just hope that this beautiful weather sticks around...all our cold weather gear is officially packed away.

Cleaning out closets is also a challenge around here because the girls think they should be able to wear whatever comes out of those closets. Miss Emma decided that Grace's flowergirl dress would be the appropriate choice for "play clothes" today.

Do you spring clean? Am I the only one who keeps a closet full of clothes that could fit 2 different sized people?


Anonymous said...

I always crave a good spring cleaning around this time. I took a few overflowing totes to Goodwill, but I have so much more to go through. It's so true that once you start a little spot or just one closet, it's hard to rest until it's all done! Usually spring break is a great time to devote a day towards this activity. It's refreshing!

Makenzie said...

i am trying to spring clean my closet of maternity clothes!! i am saving so much money going 'shopping' in boxes of pre-preg fun!!! :)