Bring on the Easter Season! The 50 days from Easter to Pentecost are the most celebrated and joyous days of the Christian world. In my small little world, we couldn't agree more. Today was the most fabulous day. With the craziness of the weekend (dying eggs, bday party for 15-5 yr. olds, hosting dinner for 20, running a race with my sister, filling Easter eggs and baskets, Easter dinner with family, cooking, cleaning, groceries, etc... ) we were in much need of a day of nothing. Grace had the day off school so we had the entire day to do as we pleased. No where we had to go, nothing we had to do. It couldn't have been better for the birthday girl and her cohorts as we had a house full of new presents to be played with and an entire day spent in pajamas to do it. Our house is a mess after the birthday and Easter craziness, which would usually bother me, but not today. Don't get me wrong, I had a blast this past weekend, but today was a day of pure joy.

Joy in roller skating in the house. (We eventually did get dressed and roller skate outside to soak up todays beautiful rays)
Joy in roller skating in the house. (We eventually did get dressed and roller skate outside to soak up todays beautiful rays)
1 comment:
I'm so happy that you're home for all of these memories this year! Don't get me wrong, we want you back. But...this is priceless.
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