Monday, June 4, 2012

Schools out for summer!

'Tis the season for graduation parties. As I bid farewell to many of my students this week, each one of them has questioned me on my year away from school. Did I enjoy my time off? Am I excited to come back in the fall? Did I miss my students? Yes.Yes. and Yes.

As the school year comes to an end I feel like my time off has come to an end as well. I am graduating. It was a quick year at the stay-at-home-mom academy, but I have learned a lot. This week I have been working on teaching assignments, reviewing curriculum, and reinventing how I want my courses to run in the fall. I know, I know...we teachers only work 9 months of the year so technically I should feel like I'm still unemployed. However, teaching is somewhat like motherhood. Even when you aren't with your kiddos, you're still working to accomplish things that will help them find success. Summer break for students is no different than a weekend at grandma and grandpas for kids -- the kids enjoy being spoiled with time away, while the adults use their time to clean up the mess of everyday life and prepare to jump in and do it again. Teaching and motherhood even offer all of the same perks; bathroom breaks are non-existent, meals (when you can find a time to eat them) are consumed in 5 minutes or less, and the kid that makes your blood boil is the same kid that 5 minutes later is making you laugh. So, needless to say, I feel that my time to start preparing for school is upon me.

Along with graduation, this week also marks 12 months since I had my last baby, 9 months since I quit my job, and 6 months since I created my goals for this year, so I've been reflecting on what has been accomplished over the past year and what is left to be done. Personally, I think this past year has been one of my best. (It's quite possible that I think that every year though - I am blessed beyond belief!). This year gave me the opportunity toI:

- Spend tons of QUALITY time with my kiddos.
- Find a healthier me - good bye, baby weight!
- Make a lot of new friends in the stay-at-home-mom world.
- Establish an exercise routine I can stick to.
- Expand our living area and organize our life as a family of 5
- Research new ways to become more efficient and effective at work.
- Spend time nurturing my marriage.
- Rediscover the importance of reading for enjoyment.
- Try new recipes in the kitchen.
- Reconnect with friends.

Most importantly I have learned how to better live in the present. I am a planner and I really struggle with days that nothing gets "accomplished." I have learned more patience (that's a biggie for me) and I have really gotten better at not sweating the small stuff. I am still far too uptight, but half the battle is recognizing it, right? It has been a very valuable year away from work and I am surprised at how sad I am that graduation is upon us. Not sad that my students are leaving (they have tons of fun adventure awaiting them) but sad that my year off has "ended." It has been awesome to have so much time with my girls and to have time to evaluate what fills my "happy bucket." I feel like I am graduating with "most-improved GPA" from the stay-at-home-mom academy, as I have learned so much about myself and what is truly important for my family.

So, for the time being, bring on summer! I'll try to think of the approaching fall as little as I can and relish the time spent living in the present.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great reflection. You've had a killer-awesome year. Way to make the most of it and more!