Saturday, February 16, 2013

My love/hate relationship

I am trying my best to jump on the technology bandwagon at school this year. I am embracing iPad apps, researching LMS's, and doing my best to go paperless. Next year when all of my students are handed an iPad of their very own, I am hopeful that all of my hard work this year will pay off and I will be ahead of the technological curve for a few weeks until their ever-growing minds play around for a few weeks and their technological skills again far surpass mine. I am looking forward to having access to technology that opens up my classroom to the rest of the globe. To think that guest speakers are a thing of the past and I can now Skype or FaceTime into any classroom around the world and get first-hand knowledge from native speakers excites me beyond belief. The world is truly at my fingertips daily, I just have to figure out how to navigate it. However, my learning curve is great, and my patience sometimes short. My students have been writing papers and I am trying my best to use as little paper as possible with our new-found technology. I had my students submit their papers to me via email to be downloaded into GoodReader and annotated electronically. The last time I collected essays this way, it took far longer to grade them, but the students took more time reading my comments and looking through their errors (so they say) because they were at home when they received their papers. However, technology is only great if it works. Saturday morning was my scheduled detention morning. 7-9AM on a Saturday morning spent overseeing silent study while students "work off" their detention means 2 hours of quiet grading for me. However, with all of my papers submitted electronically and our server being repaired at school, I had multiple hours of work sitting waiting for me that I couldn't take care of. It frustrates me to think I had time that I could have been getting things accomplished that ended up being wasted. Perhaps the good ol' pen and paper way of things isn't so bad after all. What are your thoughts on technology in our schools? Does it live up to the hype?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Frustrated for you! I do feel like we're putting in the time now which will pay off in the future...(BUT WE SAY THAT EVERY YEAR!!!)