Tuesday, June 11, 2013

First-time Fliers

So we bit the bullet and took everyone's advice to check out the most magical place on Earth. I have to say, I was a bit skeptical as I feel like we can find the magic in about anything we do if we just try...but I have to agree...it was magical. We are all completely exhausted, but since I disconnected from technology for a week I thought I would give those anxiously awaiting photos and updates a bit of a bite.

The girls were so excited to fly. We hadn't even left the airport yet, and I was so excited for this trip just based off of their excitement to fly. They had a million questions, and loved getting to meet new people while we waited for flights. They all three did a great job and were ecstatic when the flight attendant presented them with their wings for doing such a great job on the flight!

Watching them fuel up the plane.

All buckled in and waiting for take-off.

Norah looked so small in her own seat. She was a little unsure about take-off, but once we were airborn she loved looking out the window at the clouds.

The girls became crossword queens with all the waiting and flying we did.
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1 comment:

Makenzie said...

The skeptic in me wants a bit of the magic now!! Your photos are great- you guys did so, so much!!! I am so glad, but not surprised, that the rain didn't bring you down!!

Thanks for posting all this fun stuff!!