Tuesday, October 1, 2013

First day of school

Can't believe these girls are growing up so fast. The first day of school was a mix of emotions. Grace was ready to hit the ground running. She was excited to see friends and ready for a challenge. Emma hid behind her big smile, but you could see the anxious nervousness hiding within that big grin. Though she had to be tough for her big sister, she was full of questions and nervous fidgeting. Norah did great with the shift from home back to school, but was sure to turn on the waterworks just long enough to make sure mom and dad didn't escape drop-off without the pang of guilt that accompanies dropping your children off with someone else for the day.

Ready for their first day.

Perhaps not the first day of trouble...but definitely the first for her new teachers!

A very excited, confident second grader.

Can you see the nerves behind that smile?
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