A draft that should probably stay unpublished, but I'm turning over a new leaf.
July has come and gone. I am thankful. It is my least favorite month. It is the month that I cram in every appointment under the sun and cross my fingers that another round will pass by uneventful and not leaving us in the poor house. It is my month that I am a glass half-empty type of girl. I hate this girl. So...I'm saying good-riddance to her and finally calling the last two years what they are. Over. So...July has come and gone again and this year, I aspired to make it a glass half-full type month. 34 is going to be a great year.
Two years ago in July I had surgery to remove a "spot." It was deeper than they originally thought and close to my spine which made bending and stretching a bit rough, but as everyone likes to hear, they got it all. I was instructed to make appointments in every other facet of my life to have other things checked out just to be safe. Oral cancer screen, check. OB-GYN, check. Doctor, check. Optometrist, finally I can say, check. (This one took a bit with a few unexpected turns that sent me to the U of I with a neuro-opthomologist to check for a spot on my brain) Now, no worries...check! But it did explain those beautifully awful migraines. And now, my lastest July results...my renal lipoma CT came back with "insignificant growth." Two wonderful words that relieved a heap of tension that I didn't even realize I was carrying until after the results came back. Back for just an ultrasound (so much cheaper than scans if there was such a thing as a bargain in the medical world) in October.
I don't discuss my health on here for many reasons. 1. I use my blog to assist my lack of memory, and this is a part of my life that I don't care to remember as it is pain in the @ss to get to all of these appointments and what hospitals are charging for some of these labs/scans is a crime. 2. My mother-in-law worries enough for the both of us so she doesn't need to read any of this because it just causes her to worry more. *Reminder, even with the common cold Google will kill you off in about 3 clicks...I'm fine. :) 3. I am blessed. Blessed with the family, finances, knowledge, and health to handle the craziness that always comes next. Well, I'm done with next. I'll continue with my re-checks as I do take my health seriously, though I usually crack jokes about it to avoid the topic, but I am done with the worry. I could just as easily get hit by a bus tomorrow and end my journey that way... :)
So, my new reminder and outlook on July:
When you begin to worry, go find something to do. Get busy being a blessing to someone; do something fruitful. Talking about your problem or sitting alone, thinking about it, does no good; it serves only to make you miserable. Above all else, remember that worrying is totally useless. Worrying will not solve your problem. -Joyce Meyer
1 comment:
I recently sent this quote to a friend in need..."Worrying is like a rocking chair. It keeps you busy but you don't get anywhere." Easier said than done, but I try to live by it. Cheers to a better year!
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