Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Softball camp

Grace is pretty sure she has found her love in sports through soccer and basketball. Emma, on the other hand, can't decide if she likes contact sports or prefers individual activities like gymnastics. When she asked if she could try softball, I figure the XHS softball camp was a great place to start. With two afternoons of practice and fun it was just the taste of softball that she needed. Surrounded with supportive, energetic girls, they had a great time testing out a sport that they haven't had the opportunity to try before. 
The girls love playing catch, but they've never really batted or played a game. You can tell from the look on Em's face how much nervous excitement she had!

She had a blast, but she still isn't sure if it is something she would want to commit to. So glad to have short little camps to try new things!

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