Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Catholic Schools Week

Image result for catholic schools week 2016
It's no secret I'm a fan of Catholic Schools, so I love when Catholic Schools Week rolls around and I can brag a little bit about how awesome they are. Just check out my posts here  and here from past years. I firmly believe that we underestimate the social impact that schools have on us as not just students or teachers, but also as parents. I teach alongside some of the best in the field, but I also parent alongside some of the most amazing people. So when I was asked to represent our faculty to reflect on the value of Catholic Schools for morning prayer, I had to give a shout out to all those who help support Catholic School. It's a long prayer, but it's hard to sum up in a few minutes the value of what CSW means to me. If you're up for a read, here is my Catholic Schools Week Prayer for 2016.

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