Sunday the family was up for Emma's first communion so we also celebrated Grace's 10th birthday! She chose a Harry Potter theme this year, and her wish list was small; a Harry Potter wand, and a night away somewhere with just mom & dad. It sounded perfect to me! She is such a helpful kid, doesn't want for much, and cherishes family time more than anything. She has filled the past decade with some of our greatest memories and I have loved watching her grow and change to figure out who she is going to be. Here are a few of her favorites right now:
Favorite food: Tacos
Favorite book series: Harry Potter
Favorite toy: Dollhouse
Favorite subject: Reading
Favorite color: Hot Pink
Favorite movie: McKenna
Favorite sport: Basketball, Soccer
Favorite activity: Riding bikes
Favorite friends: Shelby, Sheila
Favorite singer: Taylor Swift
Favorite hobby: Coloring
Favorite animal: Dog
Favorite show: Full House
Favorite game: Monopoly
Favorite snack: Goldfish crackers
Favorite place to travel: Disney world
Favorite thing daddy does: Tells jokes
Favorite thing mommy does: Plays catch with me
What makes you happy?: Spending time with my family
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Teacher

Welcome to the Hogwarts Express

Grace made sure each house was represented at the party, and slated us into houses! :)
Norah and Emma both fell in Ravenclaw, and Grace, much to her chagrin fell in Hufflepuff. She was really hoping the sorting hat would put her in Gryffindor.
Opening gifts. That smile...*love*
Team Gryffindor all the way.
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