We started off
Memorial day with Norah’s birthday celebration, followed by a quick memorial
day pool party.

We then headed to
Washington on Sunday to visit our favorite boy and pay our respects to all
those who have served in the military, especially my grandpa...

The cemetery was beautiful with all of the flags for memorial day and packed with visitors. I know Will gets lots of visits from my family, but I love that every time we go there are always people paying visits to their loved ones.

The flags were huge and beautiful.

My grandma and grandpa and their son (William "Nicky") who died when he was 13.

One of my favorite spots in the cemetery, the Garden of the Good Shepard, donated and cared for by my dad and his family. This is my view for eternity, as our plot is right next to this...not a bad view, huh?! :)

And, of course, we were excited that Will's headstone is ready to be placed. We buried him in Mark's plot so the two of them will be together (not any time soon) :) so we made the decision to complete a headstone for the three of us. Engraving the kids names on the bottom of it was an added difficulty as it made the decision that we are forever done having kids...it's literally carved in stone. It closed yet another chapter in life and was a rough reminder that we've closed more things than we've opened lately. However, we are right in the middle of lots of family (you can see my aunt and uncles headstone right behind) and my parents own the plots on both sides of us, so it's comforting to know that when the time comes, we have a great spot for lots of visitors...come see us! :)

We engraved the backside too, so you can't miss us!

The cemetery was beautiful with all of the flags for memorial day and packed with visitors. I know Will gets lots of visits from my family, but I love that every time we go there are always people paying visits to their loved ones.

The flags were huge and beautiful.

My grandma and grandpa and their son (William "Nicky") who died when he was 13.

One of my favorite spots in the cemetery, the Garden of the Good Shepard, donated and cared for by my dad and his family. This is my view for eternity, as our plot is right next to this...not a bad view, huh?! :)

And, of course, we were excited that Will's headstone is ready to be placed. We buried him in Mark's plot so the two of them will be together (not any time soon) :) so we made the decision to complete a headstone for the three of us. Engraving the kids names on the bottom of it was an added difficulty as it made the decision that we are forever done having kids...it's literally carved in stone. It closed yet another chapter in life and was a rough reminder that we've closed more things than we've opened lately. However, we are right in the middle of lots of family (you can see my aunt and uncles headstone right behind) and my parents own the plots on both sides of us, so it's comforting to know that when the time comes, we have a great spot for lots of visitors...come see us! :)

We engraved the backside too, so you can't miss us!
From there we spent
the afternoon at my parents enjoying the weather and playing. They had planted
a tree in remembrance of Will and my dad engraved a beautiful plaque with his
name on it out of a piece of the altar from our family church before it was
remodeled. It was a beautiful tribute to him and made being at home for
memorial day that much more special. The girls loved playing with their cousins
on the trampoline, testing out the rope swing and going for rides on the 4-wheeler.
Of course, the fun had to end as we had to head back home to start preparing
for the move and start getting things packed up.

However, all work and
no play is no fun, so after a busy day of cleaning and packing, we ended our
Memorial Day with a BBQ at the Lammers house. Good food, good friends, and lots
of play time to finish out a great weekend. Only one more week of school and
the SUMMER is here!

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