76 days and I will be running the Chicago Marathon with the Will Cure team. I can't decide if that number evokes elation or the desire to vomit. I have just shy of 11 weeks to get my body physically and mentally prepared to cover the 26.2 miles of long hard pavement that will hopefully welcome my every footstep and those of my fellow companions on the run.
Preparation has been everything and nothing that I had imagined it to be.
Hard. Therapeutic. All-consuming. Boring. Encouraging. Hot. Motivating. Exhausting. Painful. Soothing. Entertaining. Scary. Joyful. Discouraging. Stimulating. Confusing. Dramatic. Redundant...
On the good days, I am reminded that I am healthy and able to run while so many others are not. I think of the Will Cure Team, MTM, and William and the challenges that he and his family face daily while my biggest complaints are self-inflicted fatigue, thirst, and the occasional side ache. I question things like how life can be minimized to dollar signs and how the blood, sweat and tears that go into training for a marathon may eventually equate to life-saving measures. I think of babies like Charlie Gard and all of the SOFT and NORD families that were so helpful to us as we journeyed with Will and increased our knowledge and understanding whilst reaffirming our perspectives on so many issues.
I think of the person that I was going into that journey and the person who is emerging on the other side. Two completely different people.
I think of my own Will and the determination and perseverance that he had to provide us with 67 of the most precious days we may ever experience in this life.

Physically, training is going okay. I have been very slow in pushing forward and have focused a lot of time and energy into stretching and preventing injury. Just when I think I should push harder I remind myself that I would rather walk across the finish line than receive a DNF. Many of my runs have not been enjoyable lately because I have been running too fast, so I am reminding myself to slow down and listen. The pounding on the pavement, the pacer on my watch, the rhythmic breathing cycles, the encouragement from other runners... I've been trying to slow down and take it all in.
Mentally, training is a struggle. Though by the time I lace up for race day I will have been through months of physical training to cross the finish line, I am questioning if 76 days will be enough for my mental preparedness. My head is not where it has been for previous races. I am just entering in to double digit runs and my mental capacity to sustain them is wavering. When you get bored, your mind wanders. And a wandering mind is a dangerous thing when you have unpleasantries filed away that you only like to pull out in controlled environments.
I have been working hard to keep a focused mind, but as the miles unravel and the boredom sets in I find myself struggling more with difficult thoughts that often cause me to hyperventilate. I have convinced myself the best thing to do is run through them as it will pass, but if you've ever had a panic attack, you know the squeeze it puts on your chest and it's often difficult to stand, let alone keep moving forward. 76 days. 76 days to train the mind in positivity, joy and strength. 76 days to train the body to breathe, relax and persevere.
I am so extremely thankful to those who have helped me in running. Those who run with me, those who ask about it, those who don't question why I'm doing it. I am thankful for the 5am k-train that has forced me to adhere to my running schedule this summer and to my sister who knows that running this will provide a 'small patch for a huge hole' as she matches step for step the miles and commitment that running this marathon entails.
I am thankful for your prayers. Your prayers for Will [which I have no doubt are what helped sustain him as long as possible], your prayers for our family [which I have no doubt are sustaining us now], and prayers for a successful, injury-free marathon ahead. If you would like to support my sister and me as we run for charity we would appreciate it so much if you would click HERE and consider a donation to support MTM research and the Will Cure Team.
I admire you, runner friends. This marathon business is not for the faint of heart. Thanks for all of your support!!
I admire you, runner friends. This marathon business is not for the faint of heart. Thanks for all of your support!!
I love you so much more than even I can fathom. ❤️
thanks for the reminder! i had meant to back when you posted it- but, life!
i know how the thoughts wander and how it can physically affect your body in the worst way, i get it. know your training is working and your body WILL bring you across that line. you're a star!
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