Monday, October 30, 2017

Apples of my eye

Sunday was beautiful so we headed to the apple orchard! Allens has been a favorite of our for the past few years, offering all the fun of the bigger orchards - hayrides, apple donuts, photo opps - but far less people, commotion, and time. We missed honeycrisp season by a week or two, so we opted for the golden delicious this year. The girls stuck to mainly snack apples this year, so it was a welcome change from last year when they only wanted the biggest and highest off every tree. 
Wow. This kid grows way too fast. 

Watch out...crazy driver!

Ready for the hayride to check out the best spots to pick!

Emma was a pro at the apple picker. She was able to reach all of the highest apples without bruising any of them!

Of course, apple slushies and donuts were a must after our hard work picking.

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