Another school year awaits! This summer was our fastest summer ever and we're so sad to see it end so early. However, the girls are ready to take on another school year. We'll be spread out over 3 schools this year so keeping schedules under control may be a challenge, but we're excited for all the new experiences that await!

Norah is heading into 1st grade this year. She has one of the most incredible teachers which we are hoping will help spark Norah's lukewarm love for school. She is looking forward to catching up with her friends after not seeing them much this summer and of course is excited at the thought of the chapter books that await her in the library. Jack and Annie, this girl has been waiting for YOU!
Emma is heading into 4th grade with Mrs. Smith. She's a bit nervous this year, but her love of learning and reading will keep school exciting for her. She is looking forward to the crayfish unit in science since she has her very own crayfish, Lilly, at home and she has already knocked out most of the 2017 Children's Choice reading selections, so she's ready to get back into the school library so her favorite librarian can keep her interested.
Grace is SO excited for 6th grade it's palpable. She tends to be a pretty anxious kid so we thought the transition might be a rough one, but she is all in. She's looking forward to making new friends, having multiple teachers, changing classes and the oh-so-yummy lunches that she has heard await her. She is continuing with band and has jumped into the world of show choir in 6th grade so music seems to be what's keeping her happy these days. She still loves her sports, but since they don't offer those in 6th grade, we'll keep those going outside of school. She has such a positive outlook on the year ahead, I can't see how it couldn't be a fantastic year!
I am heading into my 15th year teaching Spanish and I'm staying part time this year. Though I love my job and would love to be full time, I know all too well that I have more years of working left in my life than I do with my kiddos under my roof, so I am so happy to have this time to be with them. I have lots of lofty goals to get started on at work and tons of fun ideas I would like to implement this year, but I am also looking forward to the fact that when my child gets off the bus after a bad day at school, I can be there waiting with milk and cookies and a listening ear.

Our first day back and these 2 already had a half day! Daddy to the rescue with a picnic lunch and some snuggles as my first day schedule got extended into the afternoon. So much for the part-time gig, huh?! :)
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