Sunday, November 26, 2017

Harry Halloween

It was Emma's turn to choose the Halloween theme this year. To no surprise, she chose Harry Potter. Luckily, Norah has been infatuated with owls this past year, so she was over-the-top excited to dress up as Hedwig. Grace is getting old enough I was afraid she'd be "too cool" for a themed Halloween, but she pulled off an eerily similar rendition of Hermione, and Harry, well, our little wizard put her wand to good use casting spells for weeks to ensure a fun-filled spooky night.

We started a few days before Halloween "trick-or-treating" at Genova Jitters. Spooking cube to cube was a great way to stay toasty while capitalizing on the fun. With pumpkin contests, sweet treats, and spooky cubes, the girls always love getting a chance to visit Mark's work. 

Halloween night, the girls made record time with their dinners to ensure the neighborhood trick or treating train didn't leave the station without them. Norah was so excited to trick or treat with her new neighborhood BFF, but shoveling down her dinner left her with a tummy ache and little desire to walk door to door. She and Mark turned back and handed out candy while the bigs and I made the rounds and met a lot of our new neighborhood. We are surrounded with some incredible families in our new hood and it once again reassured us that our move was a smart one. 

A few laps around the blocks and we headed back. Norah was back to her normal self already so the big girls and Mark headed out for a few Halloween parties with school friends while Norah and I enjoyed handing out candy and drinking hot chocolate at the neighbors (with the added warmth of Baileys for the mamas).   

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