Saturday, January 27, 2018

Rough Rider time!

Each year for Christmas my parents fill a tub of goodies for each family to open as our gift. It includes anything from stamps and batteries, to a movie and a blanket. It's all awesome "stuff" that nobody wants to spend money on, but everyone can use. It is thoughtful, useful and always a hit. So this year, we did the same for them. We filled a Yeti Cooler full of things we thought they would enjoy. From a Google mini, to ammo, to new pj pants; it was a hodge-podge of fun things they would use. It also included tickets for a family trip to the Rough Riders. Though hard to have a conversation with all those cowbells, the Riders played the Blackhawks so it was a good rivalry and exciting game...even going into OT!

These 2. *swoon*

It was a hard fought battle.

Gotta work on our selfie skills.

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