Off the court and back to the field. The girls were pretty sad to see basketball season come to a close, but we're back to the soccer fields. Emma decided not to return for the spring season as she wasn't interested anymore and wanted to try softball in its place. We couldn't be happier for her as she doesn't miss it one bit.
Norah is still a beast on the field. She's been watching her big sisters enough that she just kind of "gets it" and plays very well.
Grace still really enjoys soccer, but I think she's trying to soak up every minute of it this season as she is contemplating trying volleyball in place of soccer next year. As much as we hate to do it, we told her she has to start choosing what she wants to play to avoid having her too over-scheduled. the kid loves everything she tries.

Goodbye basketball season. Grace played in her last 3 on 3 tournament and was sad to hang up her bb shoes for a bit.

She had a great season, with a great coach. This team has been together since kindergarten so it was really sad to see the season come to an end knowing that they will not all play together as Jaguars again. Bring on the Royals...a new season awaits.
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