Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St. Patricks day!

Saturday we chanced the crowds and headed down to the SaPaDaPaSo Parade. With over 10,000 in attendance, it was quite a feat to find an open spot on the curb, but with the awesome kindness of the people of CR, the girls scored front row seats, in the shade! They loved watching the parade and both got what they came for...a piece of gum and beads. With beautiful weather and over 2 hours of parade to watch, it was great to get out of the house and away from the noise for a while since Mark was working on hanging trim in the basement.

Check out that crowd...the streets were packed with people. The sidewalks were stacked about 6 rows deep with spectators. How we got in the front row was completely "Luck o the Irish"

3 happy girls waiting for the streets to clear so we could walk back to the car.

Emma was very proud of the beads she got.

What better way to end a great St. Paddy's day than a trip to the park.

A little ice cream didn't hurt was a holiday afterall!
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1 comment:

Makenzie said...

you are a brave woman! we will definitely be in attendance next year! the grandparents were getting antsy since they hadnt seen the little guy in 2 weeks... oh my!