Grace raced her first Pinewood derby car for adventure guides this weekend. She had a great time making and racing her car. She wanted to make a police car so she could pull over any other cars that got in front of her. She drew up the design, Mark cut it out and then they sanded it and painted it together. The night before the race we took her car in to test it out. Being first-timers in derby racing, we thought we better go and check things out to ensure that we didn't mess anything up that would disqualify her car. As we raced her car against others she got a bit discouraged. She lost every time. Little did we know we were racing against the would-be winner...she ended up getting a trophy for getting 4th in her class! Out of all of the races her car was first in two of them, and second in two others. She was super pumped to get an award for "most patriotic car" as well.

Painting the sirens on her cop car.
Painting the sirens on her cop car.
Emma wanted to go and cheer her on.
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