This past weekend I decided to shake things up a bit and head to the nature trail for my long run. Lets face it, there are only so many times that you can run around this city before you get tired of the same crack in the sidewalk catching your shoe, that annoying car that always parks over the sidewalk, and the terrifying dog that, although you know his fence is coming, still manages to jump out and scare you.
It was cool and overcast and the trail was so peaceful that by the time I found a mile marker I was already 
I started early so I wouldn't miss out on time with my favorite ladies so it was pretty quiet on my way out. On my way back in though, I was greeted by flocks of cyclists heading out for their long ride as they prepare for RAGBRAI. It was humbling to share the trail with such amazing athletes and awesome to watch as huge swarms of bikes heading straight at me would effortlessly merge into a straight line on one command..."runner."
The first time a group of cyclists yelled "runner," my first instinct was to move over and let the runner behind me pass so that we could all get through. I merged over, took a peek over my shoulder, and realized there was no one there. The second group of cyclists yelled the same thing and after turning around again, it dawned on me...I am that "runner" that they are yelling about.
I have been "running" since January. Most days I just try to fall forward and convince myself to put one foot in front of the other until my time is up or my mileage is covered. Lately, however, my runs have been different because I am thinking of things other than my lack of oxygen, my aching knees, or my weak mind that reminds me I could always just walk. So, with my poor form and slow pace I have had a lot of time to think and last weekend I realized that I have learned a lot over the past few months from my runs. Here are my top ten things I have learned about running.
1. The right shoes make all the difference. Oh how I loved the cute shoes I passed over, but I have yet to battle shin splints, bloody toenails, or blisters. For that, I'm thankful for my not-quite-as-cute, cute shoes.
2. My running buddy is invaluable. She lives way too far away, but receiving texts with her mileage and time is just the motivation I need to get my run in, or the guilt I need when my excuses get in the way.
3. I need a goal. I am currently registered for the Wisconsin Marathon (the half portion...I'm not crazy!) and it has been great motivation to keep me on track.
4. There isn't always a thought. I over-think things and I could never understand how it was possible when I asked Mark, "what are you thinking?" that he could respond with, "nothing." How do you not always have thoughts? I finally understand. Running has put my mind more at rest and I have experienced a few wonderful moments of un-thought. Then I usually spend the next mile thinking about how blissful it seemed. I told you I think too much.
6. Small victories are to be celebrated. The days that my feet feel like lead...I shorten things up. What's the harm? As they say, I'm lapping everyone on the couch, right? Cheers to that.
7. Never underestimate the power of a good sports bra. Enough said.
9. Cheerleaders are amazing. I have 4 great ones at home that keep my goals in check.
10. And finally...this weekend I learned...I am a runner. It hasn't yet reached my body (it hurts) or my mind (it struggles), but it has reached my heart. I find myself reading books/articles/blogs on how to do it better, I'm completing double digit runs on the weekends, and I get excited mapping out my route or trying to shave seconds off my time.
Good for you! I have been running too, though I am just trying to get my 5K time into a respectable range. Happy running! :)
ah! you're amazing!! always an inspiration for me- as a teacher, a mother, and now a runner! i need some of these vibes!! :) you go, girl!!!
One of my favorite posts! You have worked SO hard, and you're definitely "a runner". I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to run with you sometime. Maybe when both of our half marathons are out of the way so we can just concentrate on soaking up the sun (or evening) and each other's company?!?! Seriously, I'd love it! Also, I pray A LOT while I run. Even with Jay-Z swearing in my ear, God and I chat. I think it's a reminder that I'm not alone out there for those long runs. Someone is with me every step of the way and cheering me on.
SO PROUD OF YOU! I can't wait to hear about your half marathon FINISH! Whoot!
Can I add a few more? When I was STRUGGLING through our long run this weekend I was thinking about your post.
1. Do hill workouts...I sure wish I would have because now I run up the slightest incline and it kills me!
2. Clothing
a.) Spend the money to get actual running clothes, it makes an enormous difference to have clothing that doesn't soak up your sweat like your old college t-shirt. (TJMaxx is my go to store!)
b.) Spandex are OK! :) I know you had a hard time believing this but I think I have you converted over. Spandex are comfortable and comfort is everything when you're out there.
3. IT IS POSSIBLE!!! (I'm still in shock!)
Keep it up, we're almost there! :)
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