Monday, April 23, 2012

What are you reading?

With the increase in running came a decrease in reading. How I only wish there were just a few more hours in the day so there wasn't always that..."somethings gotta give" feeling. Anyway, as I'm sure you already can tell from my sidebar and my multiple references to Goodreads, I track the books that I read so that 1.) I can remember what I have read. 2.) I can remember what I want to read. 3.) I can check out what my friends are reading so I don't waste my time on a book that will get me nowhere. Here's what I have read lately and how it shakes out. I couldn't remember the last time I updated, so sorry if any of these are repeats.

1. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins- yes, please. I avoided this book because I knew it was more of a fantasy/sci fi type book which I don't usually go for. It turned out to be as much of a page turner as my go-to girl Jodi Piccoult . I can't wait to get my hands on the next two, Catching Fire and MockingJay.

2. The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller - no glowing recommendations here. I couldn't connect with this book and I think my expectation of getting some piece of mind-blowing advice on marriage was perhaps a little too lofty.

3. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - A new fave. How did I miss this book in my american lit class in high school? I felt a little ashamed that I was reading this book for the first time in my 30's as I know it is required reading in most high schools, but it was as incredible as I had hoped.

4. Crank by Ellen Hopkins - great. A must read for any teen or parent of a teen. With 537 pages I thought it might get long, but since it is written in verse and you are drawn to the main character from the very start, I finished it in a just a few days. Great example of how one bad decision can translate into severe addiction and pain.

5. Nineteen Minutes - by Jodi Piccoult. Back to one of my favorite authors. I've had troubles getting into this book (interruptions, not content) so I am hoping to find some uninterrupted time to sink into this one. It is about a school shooting...YIKES...and my friend Kellie recommends it, which, I have yet to not like a book that she has recommended.

What are you reading lately? Any recommendation?


Anonymous said...

I'm excited to hear if you like "Nineteen Minutes". I read it twice, which is rare for me. I don't know if you enjoy self-help books, but I thought of you as I read "The Happiness Project". Maybe it's because the author was chasing around her cute family of girls with a loving husband. I still can't put my finger on why it kept reminding me of you. I liked the author and her honesty towards! :) I got it from the Marion library. Maybe one you could sift through sometime. I'm reading researching on learning. Bummer.

Terran Graf said...

I would like to hear what you think about Nineteen Minutes also. I just finished it about a month back. I thought it was a good book. She's a great author. I'm with you on the Hunger Games - I didn't read it for the longest time, but Amanda pushed me to read it and I'm glad I did. I enjoyed it! Hope all is well with you guys! Miss ya!