So, these are a wee bit late...oops. Here are a few of Norah's 18 month pictures. She is in the 25th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference, but our little peanut runs with the big dogs. She passed all of her tests at the dr. counting to 5, naming her body parts, walking backwards, coloring, and singing a few songs. She is a sassy little thing, no doubt a trait she picked up from her sisters, but we are glad that she can hold her own. She FINALLY is getting her teeth in and is up to three top teeth, three bottom teeth, and 4 MOLARS! Crazy girl does everything her own way! :) She loves to read books, play babies, and snuggle with her sisters. She loves most all foods, but the one that surprises us most is her love for prunes. The girls think it is funny that she says please, thank you and sorry so much, and we keep telling them that they could learn a few manners from their little sister! :)

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