Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hello 2013.

2013 snuck up on me. 2012 had tons of highs, a few lows, and a lot of firsts...but it FLEW by. I can't believe it is time once again to welcome a new year of resolutions. Here are my initial thoughts.

1. Run 365 miles. After not quite making it last year, I will attempt to do it again. It was a really fun goal to work towards last year. My sister would also like me to add in here that I will be doing the Tough Mudder. However, deemed "probably the toughest event on the planet" I may just kick that one around in the back of my head for bit longer.

2. Read 13 books. Last years goal - read 12 books and I surpassed it. This year, I figured I would keep with the year. 12 books in 2012...13 books for 2013. My reading list is long, so I am excited to cross a few more off my list.

3. Say yes to a babysitter. We have never really had a sitter. Marks parents watch the girls when there is something we have to go to, and twice a year they will come down and the two of us will catch a dinner and a movie together, but other than that, we usually don't go out together. When we have to go somewhere that kids aren't invited, we usually split the difference and one stays with the girls and the other attends solo. After being blessed with a trip away just the two of us in June, ***again many thanks to family who rearranged their schedules to help us pull it off*** we realized that maybe we should stop saying no to things just because family can't watch the girls. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to once in a while attend something that we really want to go to even when family isn't available to watch the girls. We have missed out on a lot of really fun things because we didn't have a sitter...but no more. We already have our first sitter scheduled. We were going to have to turn down Mark's work party (casino night and a free meal, yes, please!) but instead we hired a sitter! The girls may be more excited than we are!

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