I realize I can make goals at any time of year, but I think it is promising that at the beginning of each year people work to become better people. I know my resolutions stick around until about September and then the chaos of a new school year takes precedent over my personal goals, however, it is 9 months more of personal goal setting and self improvement than I would normally get so, I'll take it.
After reflecting on the past year, I am pleased with my progress. Though I only reached one of my 2013 New Year's Resolutions, looking back at the craziness of this year makes me thankful that I have goals to reach for. The past year was a great reminder as to the fragility of life and the blessings that surround me. We said goodbye to 13 relatives and friends this past year. We helped friends cope with the loss of 5 sweet little babies. We heard the scary diagnosis of "its malignant" far too many times. But with the sadness, came such joy. We have been able to see the legacy's left behind by our loved ones. Watch strength blossom in unlikely places. Celebrate the end of chemo and hear after surgery that "they got it all." Celebrate my own personal year anniversary with a thumbs up from my doctors and an all-clear after a long year. It makes my yearly resolutions seem so insignificant, but gives me joy knowing that I am seeking self improvement. The highlight of 2013 for our us was definitely our trip to Disney and spreading the joy of traveling and exploration to my children. I love knowing that they think the world is just as amazing as I do and that they like to imagine what is beyond the borders of their state.
So, this past year, I didn't make my goals. But I do feel like I gave it a great effort and that to me makes this past year a success. I resolved to run 365 miles. I didn't make it, however, I did run a few 5k's and another half marathon. I was ahead of schedule to reach my goals until school started and then my professional goals overtook my personal goals. It was still a good year for running considering that my treadmill kicked the bucket. So, once again I will resolve to run 365 miles. 3rd years a charm right?! :) I'm already 15 miles in this week!
I was hoping to read 13 books in 2013. I haven't been great at keeping up on my Goodreads account, so I have a feeling I read more than what I actually recorded, but I have a TERRIBLE memory. I did however, record 12 books this year. I know it sounds crazy to increase my goal, when I didn't reach it in 2013, but I am aiming for 14 books in 2014. :) 2014 should have a 7 hour flight to Spain in it so hopefully I can get some great reading in there!
My last resolution in 2013 was to get a sitter more often. We did have 1 sitter this year so that we could go to a wedding. That's progress! One more sitter than normal. I'm going to keep this on the list again this year, as I would love to have a few nights out just Mark and I.
So, one goal for my health, intellect, and marriage. Bring on 2014! I have a feeling this is going to be a GREAT year of growth and fun!
1 comment:
I had no idea how great a sitter was until our anniversary!! That''s why I vowed for a weekly 'date night' at home when Zach is sleeping. It is so easy to watch TV, pick up work, meal plan, do laundry, etc that we have forgotten who we're sitting next to!! ;-)
Cheers to your 2014!!! Miss you much!!
PS: your card made it, and it is adorable!!
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