Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Thai Chicken with Sesame Noodles

Last week was crazy with conferences, so I'm a bit behind with posting our meal planning from the week. However, it was a delicious week of meals; Spicy Corn Chowder, White Chicken Lasagna, Thai Chicken with Sesame Noodles, Spaghetti, and Friday since my mother-in-law was in town watching the girls since they didn't have school, we took advantage of a few extra hours and snuck away for a date night. Quesadillas for the girls...dinner out for Mark and I.

The favorite of the week for me was the White Chicken Lasagna. However, the biggest hit with the rest of them was the Thai Chicken. It was fast, delicious, and made incredible leftovers the next day at lunch so it will definitely be making it back in to the monthly rotation.

Thai Chicken with Sesame Noodles.
1 Good seasons Asian Sesame Dressing Mix
2 tbsp soy sauce
4 chicken breast
2 tbsp peanut butter - crunchy
2 tbsp honey
1/2 tsp pepper, crushed red
1 lb pasta, spaghetti, thin
2 carrots, shredded
4 onion, green
8 tbsp cilantro, fresh, chopped.

Prepare ahead (I always do mine on Sunday afternoon)
1. Mix dressing and soy sauce. Pour 1/3 cup over chicken, bag and freeze.
2. Add peanut butter, honey and pepper to remaining 2/3 c. of dressing mix, bag and freeze.
3. Bag remaining ingredients and freeze.

Cooking day
1. Thaw
2. Cook chicken on skillet, medium-high heat for 8 minutes or until cooked through.
3. Cook pasta.
4. Place chicken, mixture and remaining ingredients in bowl and mix lightly.

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