Friday, January 29, 2016

Not "all quiet on the western front"

I'm a big fan of birth order and trying to navigate the often rocky road of raising 3 girls. I feel like there are times that if one of them had been born a boy, some of the issues that we have faced with them lately would have been null-and-void. That brings me to today's 'le probleme du jour' - hand-me-downs.

I have no doubt that our spunky middle child is the way she is because we have groomed her that way. She is laid back, easy-going, and a bundle of laughs. She is easy to over-look as she isn't as high-strung as her somewhat diva-ish sister, and she isn't relished as 'the baby,' who often wins an argument because, "she's only 4." The life of a middle...I'd like to think I understand her pain.

This week Emma has been taking 3-4 pairs of socks to school. (The laundry fairies are feeling overworked and want to go on strike). Emma's snow boots have sprung a leak. The poor kid has soaking wet feet at the end of recess and has been changing out her socks so as to have dry feet the rest of the day. Quite resourceful. So, I headed to the store to buy her new snow boots.

What!? $40 for snow boots? She needs a size 2 and with only sizes 1 and 3 left I grabbed the bigger ones that she can grow into. However, Grace is only in a size 2, and they are a little snug, so it seemed logical to give the size 3's to Grace and give Emma the size 2's that Grace is currently wearing. That logic didn't sit well with Emma. Our middle kid that often gets the shaft, just got the shaft again. The 'beautiful new pink snow boots' that she thought were hers, just went to her sister...again. I'd like to fight the battle of - "we don't always get what we want." I'd like to save the money and have her wear the perfectly good snow boots that we already have. But, I'd also like to show her that when she truly needs something, she is worth it.

This morning she wore her sisters boots to school. Grace wore a shiny new pair of boots. It sucks to be a middle. I feel like this time I should have spoiled her. Thoughts?


Unknown said...

At lease you didn't make her put baggies in her boots. Grace's boots are way cooler than baggies. LOL

Makenzie said...

how about i come play with the other girls so you can take emma on a special mom date? maybe that will help? how easy is it to pick her up from school early to have a treat?

or... maybe something else new? like some awesome new socks?? ;-)

Tricia said...

Way late response- but I totally feel your pain. I agree with MaKenzie - find another way to spoil her!