Wednesday, February 17, 2016

4 weeks

Umm...can it be? Maybe I should take another one...

Image result for pregnancy test photos

Mark and I decided last summer that we wanted to add to our family. This was a big decision as he felt like our crazy was getting out of control and I felt like our crazy was just a little shy of the full-on chaos we were looking for. It wasn't a matter of finances ( you can never really afford a baby), it wasn't a matter of love (your heart grows as love necessitates), it came down to a matter of time. Can we provide 4 children with the attention they need to grow into secure, loving, faith-filled people? Will we spread ourselves too thin trying? Would we jeopardize our relationship with each other if our lifestyle got any busier? Would we lose our sense of self, consumed by helping our children develop their own?

We decided that when it comes to having children, love is multiplied not divided.  It's a big decision to have a baby and we had been at a stalemate for about 3 years. Both of us having too much respect for each other to push the topic, but too much love for each other to not consider the others point of view. I wanted our kids close in age, but with Norah now 4, and my body getting older, I felt like nature was going to come to a decision on another child before Mark and I could. Then, it happened. Mark said we should leave it up to God. Well, God answered.

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