Wednesday, August 10, 2016

30 weeks

How far along? 30 weeks
Stats? 16.5 in, 3.1 lbs. FHR 145
Total weight gain/loss? +3
Sleep? Struggles
Symptoms? numbness, charlie horses
Food cravings? None
Food aversions? None
What I miss? sleep
Position? Breech
Milestones? 30 weeks!

[Sorry, Will. Forgot to take your picture]

Today we were at the U for another fetal/echo, and once again they struggled to get Will into a position where they could see the aortic arch. Dr. Sommerfield had Dr. Reinking take a look at things today so it was nice to hear confirmation that he was seeing the same things and that it didn't seem like anything had changed too drastically. We have a PCC scheduled in a few weeks to get our cardiologist, neonatologist, OB, perinatologist, and a few others together to come up with a plan on where to go from here. It seems like a huge milestone to make it to week 30 as, in my head, this has been the threshold for a fighting chance if Will came early. Success. 

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