I would have never dreamed that I would be posting an update of our one-week status on Will. It has been the most incredible week! As you can guess, our time is spent fairly evenly between snuggling him, kissing him and caring for him. He is rarely put down between the 5 of us. Here is what my view looks like most days.
Complete bliss. |
His health continues to stay stable. He had one of his best days yesterday, and his hospice nurse mentioned during his check up that she thought his lungs were crackling less and his breathing seemed less labored. He's pretty jaundiced as we have entered into a vicious cycle of cluster feeding (he expends too much energy trying to eat, therefore can't eat, leading to even less energy) so we are pushing a little harder in getting every drop in him we can. He is polishing off almost an ounce now though, so we're celebrating small victories. Dirty diapers get their own victory dance around here. Of course, everyone has to participate in diaper changing...no one wants to miss out on one second with this cute little guy!
Diaper duty apparently takes everyone's expertise. |
He seemed to be regulating his body temperature a little better yesterday, so we gave him his first bath! He cried his way through most of it, but it gave us a chance to really get to see his little body since it spends most of its time wrapped up trying to keep warm. The infection on his head continues to worry us as it seems to be getting worse. However, since he seemed to be having a good day yesterday, we changed his patch and let him spend a few hours without his hat on which I think everyone enjoyed. He's got some pretty cute blond curls going on up there.
Can you guess which girl has him? |
The girls are quite smitten with having Will around and are trying to break him in to the Richmond traditions quickly. They each have their own special way with him and, it seems crazy, but I feel like Will knows who is holding him. Mark likes to rock him and sing to him, I tend to stroke his cheek and head a lot, Grace rubs his feet as she holds him, he loves to hold Emma's hand while she has him, and Norah pats his little booty and smothers his head in kisses when she has him. Though he has yet to open his eyes, we have seen glimpses of those precious peepers squeezing tight when we take him into the light and, at times even trying to open, when things are dark and calm. For the time being, we're just glad he's saving his energy for other things, as we'll continue to be his eyes and describe to him all the beauties of this world.
No one wants to leave his side for even a minute. |
Prayers for strength for you all! Keep up the fight, Will! #willstrong
Happy 1 week birthday, lil man!
Such a sweet and perfect picture.
Such a beautiful family, Jaclyn.
Precious moments!!! Glad the girls get all this extra time with him! We will continue to lift you all up in our prayers!!!!
I'm so glad you get all of this time with Will, I'd give almost anything to have even one day to sit and hold my little ones I lost. Beautiful pictures. Keeping you all in my prayers and thoughts.
Beautiful! I am loving the updates and so thankful for the blessings your family has been given!
That picture of all of you cashed out on the couch is absolutely precious! I am so incredibly thankful and happy that you have had this time to spend with your sweet baby Will! Still praying for you all!
I am praying for you all and all the Richmond and Miller families. I believe in Miricles and Will is obviously one..
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