Monday night I headed to school for our Back to School night and little did I know, that would be my last day of school for a while. Out of no where, my water broke. It took me by complete surprise given my water had never broken with the other 3 girls and we were still 4 weeks early. Just when we thought we had established a plan for how to best get Will here, he decided he had other plans. We headed to the U of I and they confirmed we would indeed be having a baby, they just didn't know when. At first, the plan was to keep me there for at least a week to help Will cook just a little longer since it would be illegal to induce, but by 8AM the high-risk OB came on staff and given our situation, decided that the best interest of both Will and I was to get him out right away. So, they updated our plan for the day...Meet baby Will! :)
There was no doubt about it, Will decided 9/20 was a great day to be born. They started the pitocin and it was off to the races. There was no question on an epidural or not as given my situation and the fact that I was not a candidate for a c-section, they would have to put me under to finish the delivery if things didn't go as planned, meaning I would not be coherent enough to see him when he was born. I wasn't about to miss his first cry...sign me up for that epidural. I also wanted the freedom to move around, so I labored until the pain got intense and then ordered it up. Oops...waited too long. The anesthesiologist came and gave me the epidural, but it didn't take long to realize that it didn't work. When they first checked and said I was at 1 cm, I couldn't believe it. That was way too much work to be at 1. Then they realized that he was breech and they had been measuring wrong...we were really at 10cm, it was go-time. They informed us that none of them had delivered breech before so we were just going to wait a few more minutes until a doctor who knew how to deliver breech arrived. Sweet joy. We welcomed our sweet boy into the world at 2:32pm and heard him cry for the first time. It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard in my life. They laid him on my chest and, just like that, everything seemed right in the world.

3AM, too excited to sleep. Can we just meet this little guy already?!
1 comment:
I'm a friend/cousin of Megan (love that girl) and she introduced us to your family and baby Will. We are praying for all of you. Praying especially that the God who knit together your little guy in your womb, would breathe into his lungs to fill them with precious oxygen and clear up all the infection. Psalm 139:13-16. Continuing to pray for all of you.
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