Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Another scare

Sunday night we had another scare. Mark was feeding Will a bottle and the next thing we know, Will was blue. It was the longest couple minutes of our lives. We moved into the back room so as not to scare the girls and called Hospice. As we sat waiting for the on-call nurse to call us back, we kissed him, held him and talked to him, praying he would pull out of it, but letting him know that if he was ready, he didn't need to stick around on our account. After a few minutes, he took a breath. After another 30 seconds, he took another breath. By the time Hospice returned our phone call he was breathing again and his color was starting to come back.
Though he looked calm and at peace at the time, it set him up for a horrible night. He cried all night as if he was in pain. He couldn't calm himself or get his breathing under control. We administered his morphine for the first time in hopes that it would relax him and bring him comfort. It didn't seem to work. He was crying too hard to take a bottle for fear that he would aspirate and choke. Monday, Mark decided to work from home in case he had a relapse, but thankfully Will used Monday to recover. He slept most of the day, unresponsive, but comfortable. His nurses and social worker feel that he may be transitioning, but we're not ready to agree with that just yet.
Monday night, he had another rough night, but given all of the sleep that he caught up on during the day, we were happy to see that he was responsive again. As much as we tried to feed him during the day, he had only taken in about 5 oz so we spent the night pumping as much fluid into him as we could. Yesterday, he had an incredible day. His nurse thought perhaps it was an upswing before the end, which is rather common, but I think our little guy is hanging in there for a while. There is no doubt, he has the *will* to live. :)

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