Friday, January 5, 2018

Bathroom update

I love Christmas break. Not only does it give us time to catch up with friends and family, but it also gives us unstructured time where we can shut out the world and focus on just us. Ok, baby Jesus and just us. 

We were off of school on Friday. Though I wasn't technically "ready" for Christmas [shopping, baking and wrapping were all still on my to-do list] I felt like Friday was a gift since I still had Saturday to take care of those preparations and I was off of work. So, I found myself laying awake in bed early Friday morning making a list of the things I could fit in to my extra 24 hours that were gifted to me.

It was a little bit like the book, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" only entitled "If you give a Jac a job." There was a leak in our bathroom faucet, so that was the first thing on the list for Friday. But while tearing apart the faucet, we noticed that the ceiling vent needed cleaned. When we pulled the vent down I realized the ceiling needed painted and I knew we had ceiling paint in the basement. If you're going to make the mess of painting the ceiling, we might as well paint the walls, right!? I had left over paint from the kitchen, so we decided to paint the bathroom walls. Since the bottom was a crazy dark purple color, it needed primed first. Once it was painted white, we realized how weird it is to have a chair rail in a bathroom. Where are the chairs? We decided to transform it into a little wainscoting. Nothing like a little bathroom renovation the first day of break!
Seriously though, what a difference a coat of paint can make! Hello clean, white ceilings!

Ugg...beige and plum. Definitely not my first color choices for a bathroom.

Fixed faucet, clean ceilings, fresh paint on the walls, and wainscoting for a little texture. Time for my favorite part...decorating!

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