Remember Sesame Street? Well, day 2 was brought to you by the letter M. Mark, mimosas, margaritas, mai tais, and mojitos.

The view on day 2 looked like this most of the day.
The view on day 2 looked like this most of the day.
After relaxing all day and sleeping and reading in the sun we headed out to a great mediterranean restaurant. I was super excited as it had paella, one of my all-time favorite meals and since Mark had never tasted it before it was awesome to be able to introduce him to one of my faves.
you guys look great!! you look like honeymooners ;-)
It's a very good thing there is a photo with you two in it, because I was beginning to think you just lifted these from a fantasy world website. Awesome views and weather. It seems to beautiful to be real. So happy you two got away!
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