This week I headed back to work. The girls and I both have such amazing school communities, there is no doubt that because of their love and support we were able to keep our focus on Will while he was here and get on the path to healing much faster since he has been gone. However, the return to work didn't come without difficulty. As much as I was ready to get back to the routine, it is another transition, and lately even the smallest of transitions have been hard. They seem like one step further from our life with Will. I know now that waiting for the first semester to end and having a fresh start at school was for the best. However, I think my delay in return has increased my sensitivity to many things. Questions like, "it was expected, right?!" I find very difficult to answer. Is that supposed to make burying your child easier?
Thursday got the best of me again. Darn music. While I was running Adele's "Someone Like You" came on. How can a song about a break up do me in, you ask?! ---
"I wish nothing but the best for you. Don't forget me, I beg. I remember you said, sometimes it lasts in love and sometimes it hurts instead." ---sure does.
Grief is such a funny thing. One minute you think you're fine, you're laughing with your kids, listening to how their days were while unpacking backpacks and then you find gems like these that bring it all to the surface again...

Three wishes:
1. I wish that William Richmond didn't pass away because I love him.
me too, baby girl. me too.
Week 1 of the new year is behind us, and we tackled it with as much grace as we could. Bring it on, week 2. We're ready for whatever you throw our way.
God bless you
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